we design ideas
the revival project — nft auction with depositphotos
Ministry of Culture and Information of Ukraine, MetaHistory and Depositphotos, a global content marketplace, has partnered with seven Ukrainian artists to create a series of thematic NFT artworks for sale as part of an effort to preserve and revitalize Ukraine's culture. Each illustration translates a unique, artistic vision of how some of the destroyed sites could look like in the future.

As invited artists, we developed a main concept for each of the five NFT artworks to reflect on those places that evoke specific memories. These artworks serve not only as a source of inspiration and hope, but also as a way to raise awareness and funds for the restoration and protection of these important cultural landmarks in in Mykolaiv, Mariupol, Donetsk, Luhansk and Odessa under the concept of “Shared Reality”.

In our childhood, we always considered cultural buildings and sights to be untouchable. It was forbidden to climb on them, as well as talk loudly or rest near them, — such an attitude towards monuments was considered shameful. For many children, these rules became a personal challenge — and they would do anything to climb the monument or skate down the stairs of the theatre.

We decided to create remarkable places where one can not just observe a statue in silence, but gather with their friends and create something new as people’s presence and interaction is the main condition for the successful reconstruction of Ukraine.